Thanksgiving celebration is fast approaching and with the days numbered, doing a room makeover according to the colors of a thanksgiving theme can be a pressure. Another limitations that most of us are more concerned with is the budget alloted for this season.
Let these things not bother you, there are ways how to get around your budget and still come up with a wonderful thanksgiving interior design for your room, for a wonderful thanksgiving celebration for you, your family and friends.
Collect. Every time you walk home or get home, make time to gather dry leaves, twigs, branches, pinecones and acorns outdoors. Collect heaps of this material until you have enough to decorate your cabinets, windows and countertops. While you are in the process of collecting, imagine how your thanksgiving theme will look after you have finished putting everything in their right places.
Optimize. Pumpkins have always been associated to Halloween but this time, you can use it for thanksgiving decoration. You can place pumpkins alongside your thanksgiving centerpiece or on top of the fireplace. Or, if you don’t have a fireplace, use logs from what you have collected to create one.
Centerpiece. A centerpiece should always grab everyone’s attention. Putting one on your thanksgiving table adds to the life of the celebration. You don’t have to spend a big amount just to buy a thanksgiving centerpiece. Simply glue in the leaves, branches, twigs and acorns together in a likely pattern. Adorn it with ribbons to compliment your decoration.
Blend. Think of a the autumn colors: yellow, gold, green, red and brown. Think of a way how your furniture, curtains and others can blend in to this theme. You can use one autumn color for your throw pillows, perhaps a warm yellow for the curtains, burnt red or brown carpet… it’s your choice. Stay in line with the colors and you’ll have a great interior design without busting your budget this thanksgiving celebration.