Set in a season of beauty and bounty, Thanksgiving decorations witness the brilliant Fall shades of red, orange, brown, golden and amber. It would indeed be unwise to think that Thanksgiving decorations are limited to the theme of turkeys and Pilgrims and cornucopias. While these are perfectly there and make wonderful decorations on Thanksgiving, you can touch up your Thanksgiving décor with the many beauties that Autumn offers. You can set up a bright and warm decoration with the Autumn leaves, flowers, pumpkins, harvest-colored table spreads or curtains, nuts, acorns, berries and more. Now here are some ideas for your Thanksgiving decorations which might initiate the creative genius in you:
Pumpkins halved, hollowed-out and filled with fruits would make a wonderful centerpiece and are sure to woo your folks most ardent attention on Thanksgiving.You can have a Thanksgiving party with a theme, which helps plan a party better. For Thanksgiving the theme that you choose should be reflective of the spirit of the holiday or the season of Autumn. So the themes could be autumn harvest, fall leaves, fall colors or anything befitting the season that would all make your living room a vibrant potpourri of colors.
You can fringe the window sills or the doorway with miniature gourds and pumpkins. Orange, green and white pumpkins when arranged in a row make a good show of Thanksgiving decorations.
Thanksgiving wreaths are known to be very good decorations too, enough to welcome your friends and folks heartily in. Create your wreath as creatively as you can. Use flowers, leaves, berries etc to make a bountiful Thanksgiving coronal.
Streamers made with alternating Fall leaves and flowers add a special touch to any Thanksgiving decoration if hung or placed artistically on table-tops or ceilings. For the tapestry and upholstery, it’s always good to stick to the autumn shades. And silk fabrics are better choices when it’s a Thanksgiving decoration in agenda. So choose burnt orange curtains with a silk finish, have an amber colored table linen or spread out a yellow-ochre carpet to effuse the seasons brilliance.
Prepare wheat sheaves tied up with orange silk ribbons and place them at the corners of your room on Thanksgiving to give a rustic flavor to your Thanksgiving decorations. A cornucopia placed on the mantle is a warm thought as always. But how about complementing the warmth with a bit of shine and sparkle? Place a few long slender candles in a cluster near the cornucopia and watch how it enhances your Thanksgiving decorations. You can also strew a few nuts and acorns sporadically around the candles.
For the Thanksgiving table, prepare Thanksgiving-themed table mats and napkins with handmade papers. Draw your own designs on them or just color them with the vibrant Fall shades. A pillar candle spiraled with a golden ribbon and placed right at the middle of the Thanksgiving table would look just fine, You can make this piece look more elegant by setting a bunch of cranberries or a few pine cones at its base. And with this wonderful Thanksgiving decoration, you can’t help feel warm and snug all over when the turkey sizzles in its radiance!
The decor of your Thanksgiving party should be such that your guests get a feel of the occasion. The brown, the rust, the golden of autumn should all be part of your decor as nothing spells more beauty than these fall colors. You can use a cornucopia or a pumpkin vase or a fake turkey as your centerpiece. You can use a table spread with autumn leaves motif and decorate your buffet table with clusters of scented candles, having a bunch of berries or some apples carelessly kept at its base.
Decorations and decorative ideas are galore when it comes to this beautiful holiday of Thanksgiving. Anything makes good Thanksgiving decorations if put up with a dash of creativity. Even dry autumn leaves, twigs, sticks and branches look good indoors if the creative genius in you is at liberty. So let loose the best bit in you and sweep over your friends, folks and beloved with your Thanksgiving decorations!